
同意書どういしょConsent form同意书

多読たどく速読そくどく効果こうか測定そくてい調査ちょうさInvestigation of the effects of extensive reading/speed reading多读、速读效果测试调查

 あなたのデータ使ようしょうにんするあいは、 下記かき承認しょうにんしてすすむボタンをクリックしてください
Extensive reading and speed reading are thought to help develop second language learners’ reading fluency. We are currently undertaking a research project that investigates the effects of extensive reading and speed reading. With a view to disseminating the obtained findings, we will present the survey results and the assignments obtained from this course in forms such as a project report, a journal article, and/or conference presentations as well as their proceedings. All the data including comments given during interviews will be handled on a confidential basis. It will not be possible for you to be identified personally. Participation in this project is voluntary, and will not affect your course grade. If you agree to participate in this project and allow us to use data obtained from you, Press the start button.
Your cooperation is much appreciated.